Today’s blog is a very personal one! I am sitting in a hotel room in Hertfordshire waiting for a phone call from my 15 year old daughter, Katie, asking to be picked up. Tonight she has been auditioning for a 6th form place at The Emil Dale school for performing arts. Her audition began at 5 and will finish sometime after 10!! She will sing, dance and act out a monologue. She has been rehearsing for this for some considerable time. However, in reality, she has been preparing for this day since she first hit the stage at 2 1/2.
She was actually offered a place at a prestigious performing arts school 3 years ago – places are like gold dust – she did so well to get it; but sadly we just couldn’t afford to send her. She almost got a sponsor but, at the 11th hour, they decided that the money could help a lot of children rather than just one – Katie, typically, understood. But she wasn’t put off. Don’t get me wrong, she was devastated. But she dried her eyes, picked herself up, brushed herself off and put her action plan in place to start all over again. The positive she took from the situation was that they had considered her talented enough to offered it to her.
Every spare bit of time she has, when not studying for her upcoming GCSE’s, is spent practising and rehearsing across the three disciplines.
This past week she has had a bad cold and a sore throat, and is still not completely well, but she is undeterred. She has gone in full of positivity and determined to give it her all.
She has another audition at the school of her dreams early next month. If she is offered a place she will again be seeking sponsorship.
I hope and pray that she is able to go to one of these wonderful schools but, if not, there are three in the North West she is going to check out. One thing I do know though, is that she will do fantastically well wherever she goes. I love her ‘can do’ attitude, her resilience, her determination, her endurance and her cheerful disposition.
I hope hearing Katie’s story acts as an encouragement. Success is, as the saying goes, 1% inspiration 99% perspiration. If you are reading this and feeling discouraged and on the verge of quitting … DON’T. Adversity is a springboard! JK Rowling had ‘Harry Potter’ rejected by 12 publishers, Walt Disney was told he lacked creativity … I could go on, but hopefully you get my point!
Success doesn’t occur in isolation. I am grateful to everyone who has encouraged, taught or supported Katie in any way. And, if I can encourage, enable and equip you to succeed in life and work do get in touch! And finally – Katie Rose … I am so proud of you!!
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And so you should be Karen, your girls have had a great role model and more importantly a good Mum and Dad. X
Good luck Katie, I just know you will be very successful in whatever you do in life.