Sunday was World Suicide Prevention Day – note the word ‘prevention’ – across Social media the hashtag was #WSD – but the key is preventing it happening, and that is a task for all of us to engage in!
The 2017 strap line is ‘Take a minute, change a life’ – Mental illness, loneliness, depression, grief, bereavement, sorrow – are often hidden. It is why one of my favourite quotes is “Be kinder than necessary to everyone you meet, because everyone is fighting some kind of battle” Look behind the painted smiles …
The statistics are harrowing – 800,000 deaths a year through suicide – everyone a precious and unique person with their own story each, I believe, loved by God – but many feeling utterly unloved. Over 3 million attempt suicide. After the Manchester Suicide attack was the ‘One Love’ concert. We are one World, one family, there is one love for all; we all must play our part in showing that love in whatever ways we can.
I realise I am very fortunate. The way I was created was with a heart for others and their suffering. I love people. I have always listened to others throughout my life and in my career and now my whole business is built around it. I have training and masses of experience. People regularly tell me what a difference it makes to be really heard, valued and understood and then encouraged to thrive.
But you don’t have to be an ‘expert’ or ‘qualified’ you don’t need to know what to say, you don’t need the answers – you just have to care and to reach out in whatever way works with your personality. Drop a text, a message, pick up the phone better still arrange a catch up. If you are worried about someone don’t ignore that niggle! Take a minute. Reach out!
And I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t give practical advice – there are masses of resources out there – papyrus, International Association for Suicide Prevention, the World Health Organisation.
And on a final note … If you are reading this and having suicidal thoughts reach out to someone .. anyone … a friend …. your GP … a counselling provider … The Samaritans – and please remember your life has great value and, with help and support, you can move into a brighter future.
When bad things are happening it is easy to think life will never get better. I love this little story. Two teardrops were running down the river of tears the first said “Where is your tear from?” The second said “From the eye of a girl who lost the boy she loved – where is yours from?” The first replied “Mine is from the eye of the girl who got him”