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Seize the day
This is the first blog I have done for nearly 6 months … to be honest my priorities have lain elsewhere. I know I have been fairly absent on social…

Celebrating my first year in business
First year in business – celebrating success and reflecting

A Christmas message
I have not blogged as I had planned to at all this year but I could not let 2016 come to a close without wishing you a Blessed Christmas and…

News….. at Last!
News ….. at last! It’s been a very busy year for me, and I feel blessed to be working with so many fantastic local charities and businesses to support them…

Go to the experts!
Six months ago I got my all singing and all dancing website courtesy of Scruffymonkey. I really have not used it to its fabulous potential so here I am this…

The realistic optimist!
There are different kinds of people making up the World. There are those who constantly look for what might go wrong next (pessimists) those who are somewhere in the middle…

Image www.hbwellness.co.uk Mindfulness (Mindful or mind full?) This week, which is “learning at work week” I was asked, by the Bolton at Home People Development team, to deliver a session…